Mrs. Dorothy Okubo started as a participant of the Enhance Fitness Senior Program at her church –
Christ The King Catholic Church (CTK), where classes were led by an Open Door Health Center (ODHC) staff member.
As Director of the CCD Ministry Dorothy spends many hours at the Christ The King Church coordinating the CCD
(Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) program. When she was asked to volunteer to become a trained Volunteer
Instructor for the program she was a bit hesitant. She accepted the challenge and has been an asset for both her
faith group and the community in general. During the past year and a half she has been teaching classes and has
recruited two more ladies who have become trained Volunteer Instructors to assist her. Dorothy gives of her time
generously and continues to do an exemplary job not only conducting classes but also registering and tracking all
pertinent data. Once a month she even journeys to Homestead to deliver the paperwork – by hand, to ensure that it all gets
there in a timely manner! We are grateful and appreciative to her for her dedication and commitment to improving the
health and well-being of seniors of South-Miami Dade, the Enhance Fitness Program and the Open Door Health Center!
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