Captain Danny Shellhouse is a busy American Airlines pilot. In spite of his busy schedule Capt. Shellhouse lead hundreds of volunteers from the whole nation on the construction of a multipurpose building in South Miami-Dade which became the initial house for Open Door Health Center since 2001. When the clinic had to relocate Captain Shellhouse showed his commitment to the clinic and its patients and spearheaded the relocating efforts. Captain Shellhouse became the president for ODHC BOD and has represented ODHC well locally, nationally and internationally. High caliber Foundations such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation have mentioned Capt. Shellhouse as a credibility factor when awarding grants to ODHC. In spite of such qualifications Capt. Shellhouse continues to show his commitment to the clinic and its patients by responding to ODHC calls for help from meetings with BOD members and even when repairs are needed at the clinic. No job is too big or too small for this outstanding individual. Captain Danny Shellhouse embodies the spirit of volunteerism we recognize today. Without volunteers like him no licensed healthcare provider would be able to accomplish as much as over 150 volunteer doctors have accomplished through ODHC.
"Thanks, Captain Shellhouse. You are an example to all".